Love always wins

At La Pimbêche, it's our favorite month of the year! That's right, it's pride month!
As you probably know, love and inclusion are so important for us and they represent our core values. Through our art and designs, we want to inspire you and help you feel good about yourself. We want you to feel understood and accepted, to feel less alone. We want to live in a world with more love, more equality, more pride, more inclusion, more acceptance, more optimism, more caring, more humanity. We want to make a difference. La Pimbêche is a safe place where you can be 100% yourself, without shame, without embarrassment, without judgment. Our unique and growing community is really what makes us the proudest of how far we've come! Without all of you and your support, La Pimbêche would simply not exist, so once again, THANK YOU. Thank you for being your unique self and for inspiring us in return.
(Yes, we know this all sounds like a Miss World speech... but we really mean it!)
Pride Love Collection
Speaking of Pride, you can find the 'Pride Love' collection on our website and the best thing is, it’s available all year long! If you haven't discovered it yet, go check it out!
Many of our favorite items are offered in this collection, like the pin, the cutest bucket hat for summer and the printed poster with the tagline: L’AMOUR IS LOVE.
Because love has no limits, no labels, no genders. Love is love and love always wins.
In the same collection, you will also find several denim items with the colors of the flag, like this hand-painted jacket designed by the artist-founder of La Pimbêche. These unique pieces are true works of art and they will help you stand out from the crowd!
La Pimbêche is a way of thinking, a way of being. For us, our accessories are much more than just fashion accessories. They are tools (fashion of course!) allowing us to show our convictions everywhere we go. To see the change happen, we have to dare to talk about it, we have to be fierce. Wearing accessories that represent our values is the perfect opportunity to open the discussion with our loved ones, to talk about it, and who knows, maybe even make the society evolve together.
To honor the LGBTQIA+ community, it is so important to accept that we still have a long way to go, to continue to educate ourselves every day, to raise awareness, to mobilize and to become more understanding people. Let's make some noise during Pride month, but also all year long, because unfortunately it's still an everyday struggle. We are all different and unique. We all have the right to be ourselves, we are all valid!
My friend, YOU are valid.
In your whole soul.
Please, never doubt it.
The world is ours! 😊
Xx The badass team of La Pimbêche