Hello beautiful person!
We hope that everything is going well for you since the beginning of fall is amongst us! At La Pimbêche, even if we really (like REALLY) love summer and the heat, we particularly love this change of season where hoodies and the cocooning with a warm blanket are back. It's finally time to slow down a bit, spend more time at home, and maybe even start a whole new self-love routine, who knows? (Psst! If you don't know where to start with your personal self-love practice, you can find our best tips right here!)
Speaking of cocooning and comfy clothes, we've put together a top 3 list of our current favorites at La Pimbêche! If you're looking for new items to refresh your wardrobe, this article is for you. Let's get started!
Our Femiligion crewnecks

In the last few months, we've spoke a lot about our new Femiligion concept that makes us super proud, but just in case, here's a little reminder to refresh your memory:
Feminine name created by the artist La Pimbêche
Femiligion is above all a mindset, a way of thinking and a way of being, that enlightens self-empowerment, openness and acceptance of our differences and uniqueness. Femiligion is an anti-patriarchal belief that advocates for gender equality and anti-supremacist movement where the only power that exists is one's own individual power.

Amazing, right? Of course, our favorite crewneck at the moment is the one from our Femiligion collection that we had so much fun presenting at the Fashion + Design Festival during summer! You can find it in the color dark grey with the beautiful yellow and orange design or the white one with the yellow and purple design. It's impossible for us to choose our true favorite between these two, we just love them SO much! Both designs are simply perfect for showing your convictions and sending a powerful message while keeping us warm during chill nights.
By the way, if you haven't already read it, we invite you to check our August blog post where we really give you ALL the deets on our artistic approach behind this concept and on the collection. We can't say it enough, the Femiligion movement is not a one-time deal. It is the essence of what we stand for and will continue to stand for in the future at La Pimbêche.
Our Fierce like Frida crewneck

Of course, we can't pass up our unconditional love for the wonderful Frida Kahlo! This strong and courageous woman has inspired us to create so many items over the years in her honor. Our favorite is definitely our fabulous red Fierce like Frida crewneck!
Frida is SUCH an inspiration. She reminds us to continue to challenge society's standards and norms, while staying aligned with ourselves. We created the Fierce like Frida crewneck to remind us to embrace some of her resilience and determination in our daily lives. At La Pimbêche, it's definitely a must-have in our wardrobe and we simply can't live without it!
Our F*CK YES hoodie

Our third favorite of the moment is without a doubt our "If it's not a fuck yes, it's a no" hoodie. You know that moment when you feel that something is just not right... In these cases, you have to learn to "trust your gut", my love! If it's not a big YES inside you and you're doubting, tell yourself it's probably a NO!
We love the message and the lilac color of this tie-dye hoodie so much that it was even part of our badass collection presented at our show for the Fashion + Design Festival 2022!
Oh, and if you prefer cropped hoodies, this F*CK YES style is also available in a cropped version right here.
There you go, dear community! We hope our hoodie recs’ will help you replenish your fall wardrobe with brand new and cozier clothes! After all, just because it's starting to get cold doesn't mean you can't wear FIRE clothing (and messages) 😉
Xx The badass team of La Pimbêche