The Salvas, do you know what it is?

At La Pimbêche, the brand core values are at the heart of all our decisions. We LOVE to collaborate with different organizations that align with our mission to support people experiencing injustice in any way we can. For us, collaborating is to elevate each other and help each other in order to create a solid and sustainable foundation for a project which can achieve extraordinary results. Recently, La Pimbêche discovered the Salvas and it was an instant crush! After the first meeting, the aligned connection with La Pimbêche was obvious. The organization is run by a group of completely AMAZING and inspiring women! Some of them are beginning their bar studies, while others are specializing in disciplines such as communication or psychology. Together, they form such a Power Group! By joining forces to work on a common goal, they make the Salvas a very successful organization every day.
We hope that you will fall in love with this organization just as much as our team did!
The Salvas, what does it mean?
The Salvas stands for Service d’Aide Légale pour Victimes d’Abus Sexuels in French, which means it is a legal aid service for victims of sexual abuse. It is a free access to justice to prevent and repair sexual violence.
The Salvas's mission is to provide free legal information around any questions about acts of all types of sexual nature in order to prevent and remedy sexual violence. Unfortunately, the Quebec justice system is known for its complexity, but above all, for its structure unsuitable for victims of sexual violence. For these problematic reasons, the Salvas offers free and confidential consultations by appointment to anyone in need. Another legal non-profit organization? Yes, but the Salvas does much more than consultations. The organization specializes in the prevention of sexual violence. How do they do that? They provide legal information on the consent culture via multiple platforms such as a podcasts, Instagram, Tik tok, but also by offering awareness workshops in high schools. The Salvas is a non-profit organization that rules on empathy, solidarity, rigor, inclusiveness, agency, self-determination, accessibility and confidentiality. The Salvas deal with questions related to sexual assault, but also everything related to domestic violence, harassment, psychological abuse as well as appropriate resources and its referral.
The Salvas firmly believes that it is by changing our relationship to consent, our limited rooted habit and the way we approach consent that sexual violence will end. The consent culture IS sexy and it's about time to make this common sense.
A design like no other
As you know, each design is carefully thought-through by La Pimbêche artist-founder. We are more than excited to share with you the NEW T-shirt (and its meaning) in collaboration with the Salvas! Please note that this beautiful tee is only available in French.

First, the butterflies illustration is at the core of the whole concept, not only they are beautiful and delicate, but they are a symbol of transformation and evolution. It's also a little nod to the little butterflies in your stomach when you love someone. Also through the French expression “papillonner”, which means to have the freedom to explore and search for love without strings attached. Whether you are looking for true love or for a momentary passion, there is no shame in "butterflying" from time to time, as long as it is done with respect for others and done with kindness. 😊
The choice of colors was rather simple, we went with turquoise and orange, the official colors of the Salvas. It was only natural to choose these colors to well represent the organization. Now, as for the slogans on the back of the t-shirt, each one has its own purpose and was approved by La Pimbêche and the Salvas team. Here are the meanings of each French slogan:
« La culture du consentement c’est sexy » means "Consent is sexy AF", it reminds us of the importance of communication and to listen to your partner at all times. Taking the time to listen to each other and communicate your needs is always positive. It brings a feeling of security and respect, and believe us, it will only make the atmosphere sexier!
« Ça te tente-tu? » means "Do you want to?", it is probably the easiest question to ask your partner. Asked without pressure and with openness, it usually leaves no undertones. If the answer is a big, enthusiastic YESSSS! then LETS' GOOO! That's your cue, go for it! If the answer is a small, hesitant yes, then you should take the time to communicate with your partner to make sure their are up for it. Your partner will be reassured and should be able to share their fears and worries with you, so that you know if it’s a yes or a no! And of course, if the answer is no or the person is not comfortable taking things further, you must respect their choice. It’s rule #1 of basic consent!
« Le consentement ne brise pas le mood » means "Consent is not a mood breaker", it’s the opposite! What breaks the mood is feeling forced, uncomfortable and/or not considered in a decision. Getting the other person's consent is simply a matter of making sure that your partner is in the same mood as you. If so, it will be clear and you'll know what you have to do... 😉 If not, you'll also know what you have to do.
« C’est correct de se faire dire non » means "It's okay to be told no", heck yes! There are so many reasons to not be in the mood, and it's not always about us. The best option is to respect the other person's choice, because yes, it's okay to be told no, there’s nothing personal about it. We have to remember that it is not always about us. Being told "no" does not make us lose any value as human beings and is not necessarily a sign of rejection.
« T’es témoin? Interviens » means "Are you a witness? Speak up" is a gentle reminder that it's important to help each other in these situations. If you see something that doesn't look right, try to offer your help the best you can. You don't know it yet, but your intervention could have had a huge impact on someone's life. That person will be forever grateful!
As you can see, the back of the t-shirt is amazing, but we also add a beautiful detail on the front. A pocket design to give more information about the Salvas’s mission. The translation means the following: "Legal Aid Service for Victims of Sexual Abuse. Free access to justice to prevent and repair sexual violence". This little text reminds us how important prevention is, and also how victims or survivors must go through a long healing process. Don't forget that if you are a witness, a victim, or a survivor, you can contact the Salvas at any time to get help for free. It's a safe space where you will be listened to, guided and above all, never judged.
Why a collab together?

The t-shirt from our collaboration is sold for $45 and the long sleeve shirt is sold at $55; 40% of the profits will go directly to the non-profit organization. The t-shirt is sold exclusively on La Pimbêche's website and quantities are limited.
You want to encourage them? You can of course buy the t-shirt, but there are also free options such as following them on social networks, as well as liking and sharing their publications! We strongly encourage you to follow the Salvas on their different platforms: here for Instagram, here for Facebook, here for their Podcast and here for their website.
Don't forget that educating yourself on the subject is always the basis for a better informed and most importantly, better equipped society!
Xx The badass team of La Pimbêche