It’s weird not to be weird!

Do you remember the tale of The Ugly Duckling? A tale that teaches us not to judge others because of their differences, but rather to respect them and let them be themselves. This might be a cute story, but sincerely, who never felt like they don’t belong? Some have lived their entire life feeling they were the black sheep. If it’s your case, don't worry you’re not alone. We are so sick and tired of standards, of having to fit into a perfect frame or having to be the same as everyone. Let's celebrate the beauty that hides in everybody! Isn't it refreshing to see more love and acceptance around us recently? Whether it is through anti-bullying campaigns, more inclusion awareness in schools or through denunciations for injustice and oppressed communities... It gives hope! Of course, the movement is far from over and there’s still a lot of room for improvement, but we're getting there! If you don't know La Pimbêche artist yet, she inspires through her artworks confidence and self-determination to participate in a world of acceptance and inclusion. Why be like everyone else when you can show your real colors to the world? Be you, be weird, you only live once!
Now, let’s talk about the real thing here, La Pimbêche just launched a new artwork and you need to check it out! Click here to discover the artwork:
It's weird not to be weird. A renowned quote from John Lennon. Can we get an 'AMEN' please! This quote was a real revelation for La Pimbêche and even a mantra for an important moment in her life. This quote reminds us that it’s important to be ourselves no matter what, even if sometimes the pressure to act like the mass can be intense. We’ve all lived a situation where we felt we needed to hide or change a part of our personality to please others. Even if we knew that being true to ourselves is way more important than to please others, But, no regrets, it’s over now, just remember that by being your true self, you will attract people that are more than happy to embrace your weirdness!
Curious to discover the new products that showcase the artwork It’s Weird Not To Be Weird? Read on!
La Pimbêche used the archetype of the alien to symbolize this weird being that is not well understood by society. The twisted Happy Faces in the background represent the social or individual discomfort of being different. A work that can be funny or colorful at first glance but has a very deep and profound meaning. It's weird not to be weird is printed on the sleeves and the word WEIRD is stamped on the back and front of the jeans jacket. If you have a good eye for detail, you'll notice that the R in the word WEIRD has been mirrored, another little symbol that reinforces abnormality.
Want to follow La Pimbêche in her creative process?
She shows the behind the scene and the creation process of her artworks on Instagram. Follow her to be in the loop and know when she launches a new design!
Need something new to boost your mood?
It's weird not to be weird hoodie is now available, grab yours before it’s too late! She is also working on new artworks that will be online soon. Stay tuned! If you need some tips on how to style your new hoodie, read our previous article Comfy doesn’t mean boring. You’ll learn how to create a badass outfit even in comfy-cozy clothes.
It's weird not to be weird artwork is also available on a poster or on stickers!
La Pimbêche stickers are perfect to personalize your favorite items such as your notebooks, your agenda or even your laptop! Add a touch of style to your accessories and show your true self to the world! Discover the It's weird not to be weird trio stickers as well as others.
Is it just me or we all feel like we need something new in our life right now? To refresh your decor and bring an artistic touch to your space, opt for the It's weird not to be weird poster. It will remind you to be yourself and to embrace your weirdest side. This poster will definitely be a statement in your room and might be a discussion starter!
Follow La Pimbêche on Facebook and Instagram to know when there’s a new drop!