I define myself as an intersectional feminist. My art criticizes societal standards and gender stereotypes while also expressing acceptance and optimism. These topics inspire me because of the mission I gave myself: to contribute to a loving and inclusive world. Sounds like a Miss World pageant speech, doesn't it? I know, I know. But I really mean it. My true desire is to make others feel good about themselves.


Alexandra - La Pimbêche



Communication and public relations specialist.

Alexandra is responsible for our flawless public relations and the behind the scenes hard work of every communication campaign. While giving her 200% in PR, she also plays the role of community manager and content planner.

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Brand and sales manager.

Waita is leading the troupe with passion and audacity. She is responsible for managing the internal team, many Brand initiatives and takes care of B2B partnerships. Waita was more than one string to your bow, she is also the product photographer and contribute to the content creation of the brand.

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Waita - La Pimbêche
Marie-France - La Pimbêche



French editor, copy-writer and translator.

The girl behind our French copywriting on social media! Let’s be honest, writing in French is a talent - but translating is an art! As Montrealers, we often speak half French half English, which can be charming, but it also needs to make sense when you put it down in writing at some point. MF is the girl behind most French copy for La Pimbêche’s social networks. She is the sweetest girl I know; a hustler and career woman, working 9 to 5 with so many side projects feeding her passion for life!

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CRM specialist and web-marketing consultant.

Andrée-Ann is the magician behind our newsletter. She was manyyears of web marketing experience and brings to the team her skills of strategic automatisation. If you aren’t already, subscribe to our email list and get all the exclusive goodies.

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Raphaelle - La Pimbêche
Camille - La Pimbêche



Graphic designer and creative branding consultant.

The girl behind the branding. I first started working with Camille many years ago when I worked in the fashion industry. I immediately fell in love with the creativity that feeds her! I was so happy when she accepted to be part of this project. Camille is the graphic designer behind the brand and plays the role of art director in all photo campaigns. She is also a passionate stylist and has worked on many collective campaign projects in Montreal. I couldn't be luckier to have her by my side at La Pimbêche.

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